Thursday, April 24, 2008

The "true abiding -place"

"If you came back, you wanted to leave again; if you went away, you longed to come back. Wherever you were, you could hear the call of the home-land, like the note of a herdsman's horn far away in the hills. You had one home out there, and one over here, and yet you were an alien in both places. Your true abiding-place was the vision of something very far off, your soul was like the waves, always restless, forever in motion."

Johan Bojer
The Emigrants

"After having to depend on myself so many times in the past, my 'home' is made up of those memories and emotions I have collected over time from which I can draw comfort and strength as needed. In effect, 'home' is the place I can go in my mind where culture is a mix from many places and belonging can be taken for granted...It's as if we global nomads have replaced the physical home of non-nomads...with an internal 'home' we can go to when we need a respite from the world."

Brian Lev

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