Saturday, July 19, 2008

Practical Implications for Engaging Children in the Great Commission

- Children are an essential part of God's mission in that they represent one of the largest missiological segments in today's world.

- Not only are children a key missiological people group, children are key actors in implementing the Great Commission.

- By employing the "Joseph principle" (Child as an agent of God's provision), mission agencies can educate, disciple, and mobilize children so that children can become the agents of social transformation for their families and their communities.

- The "Samuel principle" (Child as prophet) calls for mission agencies to intentionally evangelize and involve children as bearers of the good news of salvation.

- While armies and political systems have manipulated children and youth to become innocent casualties of the wars which those systems support, ministries understand the value that spirit-filled children and youth have in leading their communities to justice, righteousness, and liberation.

- Children and youth are some of the most valuable resources in the community. Because of their energy, boldness, creativity, and ingenuity, children have the capacity to mobilize immeasurable resources for the holistic transformation of their communities.

-Children are the epitome of the kingdom incarnated by the Messiah. Christ came as a child and grew into the Rabbi of Nazareth so that people of all ages could experience and carry the redeeming mission of our loving father.

- Finally, children should be considered as partners in mission. When filled by the Spirit of God , children can and will discuss with "experienced" ministers the matters of the kingdom. They, too, will respond to us, " Why were you looking for me? Didn't you know that I had to be here dealing with the things of my Father?"

Understanding God's Heart for Children- Toward a Biblical Framework
Children and God's Mission- Gustavo Crocker with Karissa Glanville

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